ただの洋楽好きのオジサン ぶろっこり が、気ままにおすすめの洋楽をお届けしている @今週の洋楽 。
今回は、ポール・ウィリアムズ Paul Williams のアルバム「サムディ・マン Someday Man」と「オールド・ファッションド・ラブ・ソング Just An Old Fashioned Love Song 」から、名曲をピックアップ。
1970年 「Someday Man」
Someday Man Paul Williams
Someday Man Paul Williams 1970
Some people always complain that their life is too short so they hurry it along
Their worries drive them insane but they still go along for the ride
As for me
I have all the time in the world
I was born
A someday man
I’m a maybe child
I was born
A someday man
I was always wild
Tomorrow’s a new day, baby
Anything can happen
Anything can happen at all
Some folks are working for reasons and waiting for answers they’re never
gonna find
They keep on searching for pleasures and looking for what they can’t see
But for me
Life can be a sweet holiday
I was born
A someday man
I’m a maybe child
I was born
A someday man
I was always wild
Tomorrow’s a new day, baby
Anything can happen
Anything can happen at all
I was born
A someday man
I’m a maybe child
I was born
A someday man
I was always wild
I was born
A someday man
I’m a maybe child
I was born
A someday man
I was always wild提供元: LyricFind
ソングライター: Paul H. Williams / Roger S. Nichols
Someday Man 歌詞 © Universal Music Publishing Group
その他にも3曲目「She’s Too Good to Me」はホセ・フェリシアーノ、7曲目「To Put Up with You」はサンドパイパーズがカヴァーしています。カーペンターズの名演奏で有名なハル・ブレイン、特徴の手数の多いおかず(フィルイン)もタップリと聴けます。(^_^)
1971年 「Just An Old Fashioned Love Song 」
愛のプレリュード We’ve Only Just Begun
We’ve Only Just Begun · Paul Williams “Just An Old Fashioned Love Song”1971 A&M Records
CARPENTERS – We’ve Only Just Begun (Ed Sullivan Show/Stereo/Live/1970)
We’ve Only Just Begun の歌詞は、前回のカーペンターズの回をご覧ください。カレンがドラム叩きながら歌うところもいいですね。ちょっと、うるっとしてしまいます。
次の曲、もともとはカーペンターズのために書いた曲ですが、スリー・ドッグ・ナイト Three Dog Night が歌って大ヒット。
オールド・ファッションド・ラヴ・ソング An Old Fashioned Love Song
An Old Fashioned Love Song【訳詞付】- スリー・ドッグ・ナイト
An Old Fashioned Love Song Three Dog Night 1971
Just an old fashioned love song
Playing on the radio
And wrapped around the music is the sound
Of someone promising they’ll never go
You’ll swear you’ve heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on
No need in bringing ‘em back
‘Cause they’ve never really gone
Just an old fashioned love song
One I’m sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
To weave our dreams upon and listen
To each evening when the lights are low
To underscore our love affair with tenderness
And feeling that we’ve come to know
You’ll swear you’ve heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on
No need in bringing ‘em back
‘Cause they’ve never really gone
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song
One I’m sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song
One I’m sure they wrote for you and me
To weave our dreams upon and listen to a song
Just an old song coming down
Just an old song
What I’m sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song
One I’m sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song
One I’m sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song
One I’m sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old fashioned love song
Coming down in three part harmony
Just an old fashioned love song提供元: Musixmatch
ソングライター: Williams Paul (us 1) / Williams Paul (us 1)
An Old Fashioned Love Song 歌詞 © Almo Music Corp., Campbell Connelly And Co.ltd., Almo Music Corporation
ちなみに、このレコードは、ぶろっこり のハジレコのひとつです。
スリー・ドッグ・ナイト / THREE DOG NIGHT オールド・ファッションド・ラヴ・ソング / an old fashioned love song STATESIDE HR-2933 日本 1972 45rpm 7″ stereo B面:ジャム / jam
あなたの影になりたい Let Me Be The One Paul Williams
Let Me Be the One Carpenters 1971
Some sleepless night
If you should find yourself alone
Let me be the one you run to
Let me be the one you come to
When you need someone to turn to
Let me be the one
To set things right
When this old world’s turned upside down
Let me be the one you run to
Let me be the one you come to
When you need someone to turn to
Let me be the one
For love and understanding
To find a quiet place
For silent understanding
A loving touch
Come to me when things go wrong
And there’s no love to light the way
Let me be the one you run to
Let me be the one you come to
When you need someone to turn to
Let me be the one提供元: LyricFind
ソングライター: Roger Nichols / Paul Williams
あなたの影になりたい 歌詞 © Universal Music Publishing Group
カーペンターズ ダイアナ・ロス アン・マレー のヴァージョン。聞き比べ。
1991年の “Let Me Be the One”のリミックスは、カレンのカウントから始まり、リチャードのピアノもオリジナルの1971年のミックスとは大きく異なっています。ドラムスもカッコイイ。
Carpenters – Let Me Be The One 1991
ダイアナ・ロス お姉様の大人びてしっとりとしたナンバー。
DIANA ROSS let me be the one
Anne Murray – “Let Me Be The One” (Capitol) 1971
こんな恋ってはじめて I Never Had It So Good Paul Williams
I never had it so good Paul Williams 1971
I never had much money
I never won a race
My jokes don’t end up funny
And I’ve had doors slammed in my face
But I think you’ve charmed me
I always hoped that someone would
I never had a love like this before
I never had it so good
I’m not the kind that’s trusted
Always tripping over logs
And often I’ve been busted
Chased by friendly dogs
But I think you’ve charmed me
I always hoped that someone would
I never had a love like this before
I never had it so good提供元: LyricFind
ソングライター: Paul H. Williams / Roger S. Nichols
こんな恋ってはじめて 歌詞 © Universal Music Publishing Group
こんな恋ってはじめて 日本語のタイトルもいいな。ポール・ウィリアムスのロマンティックな歌詞が胸に響きます。
I never had it so good Kris Kristofferson · Rita Coolidge Full Moon
Barbra Streisand – I Never Had It So Good from “Lazy Afternoon” (1975)
いいわ。この年になると しみますね。